

Personal Portfolio Website

July 2024 - Ongoing

This portfolio website, developed using HTML and CSS, serves as a showcase of my work as a software engineer. It highlights my experience in banking and management, as well as key projects in project management, cybersecurity, and software development. The site demonstrates my technical skills in web development, offering a professional platform for potential employers and collaborators to explore my projects, skills, and career journey.

Visit my portfolio website

MNIST Handwritten Digits Recognition using PyTorch

July 2024 - Ongoing

The project focuses on building and training a machine learning model for handwritten digit classification using the MNIST dataset. The goal is to classify digits (0-9) based on 28x28 pixel grayscale images. Using Python and PyTorch, the project involves loading the dataset, preprocessing images, defining a neural network, and optimizing the model using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). The project demonstrates the use of SoftMax for classification, cross-entropy for error measurement, and essential machine learning workflows like batching and backpropagation.

See My Project

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